Wednesday, October 22, 2008

UEA Weekend

We had a pretty fun weekend over the UEA break. My kids had Thursday, Friday, and Monday off of school. I told them that if they where on their best behavoir and had all their chores done before I got home from work, we would go have some fun! On Friday Jennie and I got together and took them to the Scarecrow festival. There where lots of fun things for the kids to do. We started off with the slides. Kailey was a little scared at first, but when she climbed up the big castle, she quickly realized how much fun it was! From there the kids wanted to go to this bunjee jump thing. When we got to the line we had someone tell us that they had been waiting for 2 hours and they where only half way through the line! We decided to bag that!! Even the kids where game for moving on to the next thing. So we went over to the Barn and rode on a tractor pull, then we got more knowledge then we needed as we watched a cow be violated! I dont think you would want anymore detail than that!! Next all the kids took their turn at climbing the wall! I was really impressed with how well they all did!! We took a short ride around the park on a little train and where about to call it quits when the kids begged to go back to the slides for just one more slide!! It was fun!

On Saturday we went to Gardner Village for the Witch Festival. The kids where quite bored with that I think. We snapped a few pictures but it was so crowded that there weren't very many photo oppertunitys without having a bunch of people in the background. It took a lot of coaxing to get the kids to pose with this witch, Preston and Landon didn't want anything to do with that! It was really funny cause you could totally tell that they were not having fun at all, but when we said we where leaving they all whinned about not wanting to leave. Jen and I where through though. So we told them we would go to the gas station and get a treat! That was all it took!!


Rachey-Foo said...

treats!!! LOL i love that. too cute.