I really cant believe that it has been 9 years! I remember this day like it was yesterday. Preston is truely a specail boy. We had a few scares during my pregnancy...which lead to his early arrival. He was almost 4 weeks early. (That might explain why he is such a runt!!) But I really believe that it was time for him to come. After a few tests to make sure it was okay to induce, we found out that all his organs where completely developed and even his lungs where strong enough to breathe on their own. The Doctor didn't want to wait any longer. He has been such a joy to have around.
He will come up with the darndest things (but then what child doesn't) He really keeps me on my toes and laughing most of the time. Even when I should be mad at him, he just has a way of making me laugh.
I love you so much Preston and am so proud of the kind, loving kid you are. Thank you for being such a good kid, and always being willing to help me out. Your smile brightens my day, and I am so glad that Heavenly Father loved me enough to entrust me with you.
Happy Birthday Preston...I love you!